Dragos Holban
Iasi County, Romania
Experienced web developer, skilled in web applications, Symfony, PHP and MySQL. Computer Science Bachelor’s degree from „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași University.
Professional Experience
Web Developer @ IntelligentBee, August 2012 – Present
Web Developer @ DBL-A, January 2012 – August 2012 (8 months)
Web Developer @ Zumzi, October 2009 – December 2011 (2 years 3 months)
Web Developer @ Neogen, June 2008 – September 2009 (1 year 4 months)
Web Developer @ WLPP IT Center, October 2007 – May 2008 (8 months)
Technical Director @ Rom Consult Group, September 2003 – September 2007 (4 years 1 month)
Below you can find some of the apps I worked on and articles I wrote in the past that are not published on this website.
Personal Projects
Vânzări auto Tesla – VândTesla.ro este un site dedicat exclusiv mașinilor Tesla. Aici poți găsi mașina Tesla dorită sau poți să vinzi autoturismul tău Tesla.
Recenzii cărți – AmCitit.ro este un site dedicat pasionaților de lectură, care își doresc să descopere noi cărți și să împărtășească păreri personale despre cărțile citite.
Android Mobile Apps
BestPhotos – your most appreciated Facebook photos

Published in 2018 as I was learning Android. Uses Java and Facebook SDK. There is a post describing how it’s done: https://dragosholban.com/2018/03/18/bestphotos-build-an-android-app-with-facebook-sdk/
Puzzle – use your own images or choose from ours

Published in 2018, uses Java. The post describing how it’s done can be found here: https://dragosholban.com/2018/03/09/how-to-build-a-jigsaw-puzzle-android-game/
World Clock – Time Zone Converter

My first published Android app (2018), uses Java. The post describing how it’s done can be found here: https://dragosholban.com/2018/02/24/build-your-first-android-app-a-time-zone-converter/
Given Romania

Published in 2017 by IntelligentBee, the company I work at, this app is made using React Native. It is available on both iOS and Android using the same codebase written in JavaScript.
Given facilitates the blood donation process linking volunteer donors with people who have the greatest need for them.

Made using Flutter, the new mobile framework from Google, this app was published in 2018 by IntelligentBee. It is available both on iOS and Android using the same Flutter/Dart codebase.
This app let’s the event organizers that use the EventWay ticketing platform to scan sold tickets at their events using the device camera.
iOS Mobile Apps
Time Zone Buddy

This was my first complete mobile app, published in 2014. I used Objective C to build it.

This app uses Swift and was published in 2016 as a companion app for the Pellio platform I worked on at IntelligentBee.

I made this app in 2017 as a tutorial and as a way for me to learn more iOS/Swift development. The post describing how it’s done can be found here: https://intelligentbee.com/2017/07/31/tutorial-building-travel-photo-sharing-ios-app/
This app let’s you take an image using the camera and put’s it over a map generated using you location. It saves the result together with a few words and let’s you share it.
Photo Puzzle – Transform your photos into puzzles

I wanted something for my kids to play (an a reason for me to learn more iOS development) so I build this puzzle app in 2016 using Swift. You can choose an image using from the gallery or take a fresh one with the camera and the app will automatically transform it ino a puzzle for you to complete.
Given Romania

Published in 2017 by IntelligentBee, the company I work at, this app is made using React Native. It is available on both iOS and Android using the same codebase written in JavaScript.
Given facilitates the blood donation process linking volunteer donors with people who have the greatest need for them.

Made using Flutter, the new mobile framework from Google, this app was published in 2018 by IntelligentBee. It is available both on iOS and Android using the same Flutter/Dart codebase.
This app let’s the event organizers that use the EventWay ticketing platform to scan sold tickets at their events using the device camera.
Mobile Development Related Articles
Introduction to React Native – published on Jul 19, 2017, at IntelligentBee
Building a Travel Photo Sharing iOS App – published on Jul 31, 2017, at IntelligentBee
Face Detection with Apple’s iOS 11 Vision Framework – published on Aug 7, 2017, at IntelligentBee
I am also proud to mention that I was featured in three Android Weekly issues: Issue #299, Issue #305 and Issue #310.
Web Development Related Articles
[to be continued…]